Little Girl's Advice


Caffey (1999)




Star Trek: VoyagerTM is the registered trademark and sole property of Paramount Pictures. This story is non-commercial and for enjoyment only. No copyright infringement is intended.

Naomi was propelling her way through the many crewmembers who where walking along the corridors of Voyager. Every now and then she would recognize one of them and wave her little hands as a gesture of greeting. She felt good aboard this ship. Partly because she didn't know anything else. As much as Naomi was concerned Voyager was her home, the only home she knew. Everyone was nice to her, and wherever she appeared, a smiling crewmember would pick her up and talk to her. Naomi was the spoiled child of Voyager. But she didn't like people calling her a child. She liked to think that she was old enough to be treated as a member of this crew. But if Naomi was honest she liked that everybody had time for her, too.

At the moment Naomi was on her way to Commander Chakotay. When there was something Naomi loved then it was to listen to Chakotay as he told one of his stories. She'd never admit it to anyone else but Chakotay and her mother that she wouldn't miss one of his stories at any price. Chakotay seemed to have an endless contingent of stories and always took some of his time to tell Naomi one of them. And Naomi on the other hand anticipated the next one with great pleasure.

As she rounded the corner to the deck where the Commander's quarters were located she ran into Tom Paris.

"Whoa! Slowly, little one."

"I'm *not* little," Naomi replied in mock annoyance and smiled up at Voyager's pilot. Tom was one of her favourite people if there ever was one. Actually, she couldn't decide between all the people she knew.

"Okay, okay. You've convinced me, you're not little. You're on your way to another story telling session, I assume?"

"How do you know?"

"Hey, I know *everything* that happens aboard this ship. Really, Naomi you should know this by now." His right hand went to his heart and he made a face for her that got Naomi laughing really hard. She even had to lean against the wall for support.

"You know, Tom, you ought to have a license for this. Someday Naomi'll die of laughter." B'Elanna was standing right behind Naomi, grinning from ear to ear. "And Tom, you don't know everything."

"Shhh, would you keep your voice down? I have a reputation to lose."

B'Elanna didn't reply to that, instead she spoke to Naomi, who had calmed down. "You're on your way to Chakotay?"

"Why is it that everyone knows this? Do I have a sign with the words 'I'm going to listen to a story' on my back?"

Now it was B'Elanna and Tom's turn to break into laughter.

"No, but you could as well have one . . ." B'Elanna elbowed Tom and took over the talking. "Don't listen to him. I, for one, have talked to your mother. She told me." Then B'Elanna added, "Would you excuse us, but I'm going to have to teach this guy here some manners."

Naomi nodded in agreement. She was already a little late for her story telling session how Tom had put it. On her way down the corridors Naomi muttered. "I'm going to have a little talk with my mother." She wouldn't let her mother go and tell everyone what she was doing in her spare time.

As Naomi reached the Commander's quarters she buzzed the door chime and waited. No response. Was it possible that he wasn't in? But then he would have sent her a message. Chakotay always did that when something kept him from being home. Except when there was a crisis but that couldn't be the cause since Naomi hadn't heard the red alert klaxons. She rang a second time.

"Whoever is outside. Go away," Chakotay voice sounded from inside. He didn't sound particularly chirpy.

Naomi was a little puzzled but decided she would apologize and then go back to her quarters.

"I'm sorry Commander Chakotay. I didn't want to bother you."

She turned and had already walked a few meters when the door to Chakotay's quarters opened and Chakotay's voice reached her ears.

"Naomi?" His head popped out the doors, searching for the little girl.

She stopped and turned again. "Yes, Commander?"

"You came for a story? Is it Tuesday already?"

"Yes, Commander, but it's okay. I can come another time. I don't want to bother you."

Chakotay smiled at the young girl's words. "Nonsense, come in. I just forgot about it."

"Are you sure? I mean, you didn't seem to be in a good mood moments before. I really can wait till next Tuesday."

"Are you saying that you'll survive two entire weeks without a story? Are you certain you're Naomi Wildman?" Chakotay teased.

Naomi was on the edge to laughing again. Chakotay had his own way to get her in a good mood of her own.

"Now, come. I'm sure I have another adventure to tell you about."

Chakotay waved his hand and Naomi entered his quarters.

"Can I get you something, Naomi?" he asked as he went to the replicator.

"No, thank you Commander." Naomi studied his quarters as she always did. Chakotay's Indian belongings in particular.

"Make yourself comfortable. And Naomi?" She looked up to him. "You can call me Chakotay."

"Give me a few days on that one, okay?"

Chakotay winced. Just slightly, but Naomi saw it anyway.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, just a memory." Chakotay put his cup of tea on the small table. He sat on the couch beside Naomi, one leg tucked under his body, and leaned back into one arm of the couch. "Now, what story do you want to hear?"

"Can I ask you something first?"


"And you promise you won't be mad at me?"

Chakotay raised one eyebrow. "I promise."

"Did the two of you argue again?"

Chakotay's eyes widened in surprise. He was well aware who Naomi was referring to with 'the two of you'.

"How do you know?"

"You're always in a good mood, except for when you and the captain have had an argument." She was stating the obvious, Chakotay realized. And she was right. Being in a good mood was in his nature, but Kathryn had the remarkable talent to piss him off.

"Well, yes," Chakotay said eventually. "We did argue."


Chakotay blinked a few times. Naomi was too curious for her own good sometimes. Chakotay wasn't certain if he really wanted her to know.

"Personal matters."

Naomi was fidgety about her next question, but she asked anyway.

"You didn't tell her, did you?" Despite her anxiety, Naomi's eyes held those of the Commander.

A small pause followed. Chakotay wasn't certain that he really wanted to know for he had a pretty good idea of what was to come next. "Tell her what?" His sense of foreboding didn't fail him.

"That you love her."


"Oops, wrong subject. I'd better go now." Naomi hopped off the couch and headed for the doors, silently cursing herself for being so bold. She couldn't seem to keep her mouth shut sometimes. Her mother's words came to Naomi's mind. She had waved her index finger at Naomi and said that she had to learn to keep some thoughts to herself.

"Naomi?" She stopped dead in her tracks and turned slowly. "Who's told you about it?"

She let out the breath she wasn't aware she'd been holding. Naomi didn't expect him to ask this question. He'd rather tell her to mind her own business.

"No one did. You both are quite obvious with your feelings for each other. And I think . . ." Naomi trailed off, finally noticing that she should shut up before she really was in trouble.

"You think . . . ?" Chakotay briefly wondered when he had got it this bad, that he had to discuss his love life with a child.

Naomi took a step backward and the doors opened. "I think you should tell her that you love her."

Naomi waited for her reprimand. When none came she noticed that Chakotay's attention was no longer focused on her but on something behind her. His expression was one of shock. Naomi briefly wondered why, but the took the opportunity to leave before Chakotay had a chance to get angry.

She turned anyway and ran into the Captain, who looked equally astonished. Apparently, Captain Janeway had witnessed the last part of their conversation.

"Captain . . . I . . . um . . . I should really go now . . . Good bye." Naomi literally sprinted along the corridors of Voyager, desperate to get far away from any place the commander or the captain was. She was embarrassed and had wanted nothing more than die right there, as she had noticed the Captain behind her. Entering her quarters and running into her room, Naomi promised herself to never ask such questions again.


Kathryn was still standing outside Chakotay's quarters, looking anything but composed. Her eyes wandered from Chakotay to the fleeing Naomi and back to Chakotay. She didn't know how she was supposed to take what she had just witnessed. Naomi Wildman giving Chakotay advice on his love life? She would have laughed at the absurdity of it, if it hadn't involved herself.

"Chakotay . . . ?" she asked confused.

Chakotay fell back into the couch with a groan.

"Don't ask."

Kathryn entered his quarters, finally noticing that she aroused suspicion standing in front of the opened doors. As the doors closed behind her, and she saw Chakotay lying on the couch, Kathryn had only one question left.

"You still do?"

"I still do what?" Chakotay was way too embarrassed to notice where Kathryn's question was heading. He didn't look at her for he knew his cheeks were burning.

"Love me," she whispered, her head slightly tilted.

"Of course, I do . . ." Chakotay bolted upright, understanding just now what exactly she had asked him. "Kathryn?" It was his turn to be confused.

Kathryn walked nearer. "You know, Chakotay, Naomi was right." Tears fell from her eyes. "You should have told me."

It took Chakotay only a split second to get up from the couch and go to his Captain, all embarrassment forgotten. He opened his arms wide and she stepped into his embrace. Chakotay had a hard time to understand everything that had happened that day. First, he had had an argument with Kathryn, then had Naomi Wildman lectured him on his love life, and now Kathryn was in his arms. He was about to faint right then and there, when Kathryn's last words registered in his mind.

"If I remember properly, Naomi said, I should *tell* you," he whispered softly and felt her smiling against his chest.

"I love you, too."

After several long minutes, they separated and sat on the couch, Kathryn being cradled in Chakotay's lap. They looked the other in the eye and in silent agreement their faces moved closer until their lips touched for the first time. It was such a tender kiss on Chakotay's part that let Kathryn gasp for air all the same.

"So, what do we do about Naomi?" Kathryn asked eventually.

A wicked grin spread across Chakotay's face as he replied.

"I think I have an idea."


Naomi was sitting on her bed, trying to figure out how she could dodge running into the Captain or Commander the next few days, as the call came.

"Chakotay to Naomi Wildman."

She was almost too frightened to answer. Chakotay's voice didn't sound too promising.

"Naomi here."

"Would you come to my quarters. That's an order."

"On my way."

She slowly stood, preparing herself for the inevitable. On her way out her quarters, she muttered to herself. "The shit is hitting the fan." Naomi quickly shut up, as she realized what she had just said. If her mother knew, that she used such talk, it would have great consequences for her. Luckily, her mother was nowhere to be seen.

The nearer Chakotay's quarters came the more grew her anxiety. As she finally reached it, her hands were shaking badly. She rang once. No answer. Twice.

"Come in."

Preparing herself one last time, Naomi took a deep breath and a step forward. The doors opened in front of her. She entered, looking everywhere but the place she knew the Commander was occupying.

"Naomi, I think I still owe you a story."

Her little head shot up and she stared in disbelief at the sight in front of her. Commander Chakotay was sitting on the couch, smiling. Captain Janeway was next to him her head was resting on the Commander's shoulder and she was smiling as well.

"I . . . um . . ." *am speechless*, she finished silently.

"Have a seat."

Naomi complied, amazed that she didn't seem to be in trouble.

"Have I ever told you the legend of the Angry Warrior?"

Kathryn just laughed at Naomi's utterly astonished expression, as Chakotay began.

"There's a legend among my people . . ."


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