Lost In Translation


Caffey (2008)




Paramount for President! (At least that way we can vote them out of office after four years.)

Author's Note:

I blame this on Dana. She gave me the first line to work with and it tickled me because neither one of us is a native speaker. Of course, I also appear to be insane.

"When pleasure burst in her, ripping a line between sanity and madness, he muffled her scream with his mouth…" Chakotay's voice trailed away as he watched Kathryn doubling over with laughter. And who could blame her? He was this close to losing it himself.

While he watched Kathryn getting herself back under control, Chakotay ran a hand over the carefully imprinted letters on the book's cover. Too bad the author hadn't taken nearly as much care with the translation as he had with the cover art.

"You think we should tell Neelix that his command of the Vulcan language is -"

"- deplorable?" Kathryn asked, breathless from laughing so hard.

"- beyond comparison," Chakotay finished without missing a beat, giving her a chiding look.

Kathryn whimpered with more repressed laughter, wiping tears of joy from her eyes. "That's certainly one way of putting it."

"It would be the truth, at that." He ignored her snort with ease. "Just look on the bright side, Kathryn."

"There's a bright side?" she asked, her voice somewhere between disbelief and ridicule.

"Oh yes, there is." Chakotay flashed his dimples. "It's MUCH better than the original."

She gave him her best Tuvok-style raised eyebrow. "Indeed."


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