He's Signed His Warrant


Caffey (1999)




Star Trek: VoyagerTM is the registered trademark and sole property of Paramount Pictures. This story is non-commercial and for enjoyment only. No copyright infringement is intended.

Kathryn almost began panicking when she heard voices near her. What was she supposed to do now? She was naked for God's sake!

"I'm gonna kill him!" she muttered under her breath.

Then the tingling sensation of a transporter beam made itself felt, and scant seconds later Kathryn found herself inside her quarters - still naked.

Facing the window, she breathed deeply, trying hard to calm down. It didn't help matters, though.

"If I get my hands on him," Kathryn swore, "He'll regret that he was born in the first place!!"

"You're welcome to try," Chakotay replied from behind her back.


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